活動細則 Terms and Conditions:
- 學生特價週只適用於持有有效學生證明(小學或以上)、教育工作者工作證或持有本公司電子會員証之人士
- 有效學生證明包括:學生手冊、學生証、教育工作者工作證。
- 會員於2023年7月18日或之後的會員購物(購物時須為會員),可憑發票正本於2023年9月2-4日期間於發票上所列之分店退回折扣差價。退款只限一次,逾期恕不辦理。
For Members who purchase on or after Jul 18, 2023, they can bring the same electronic membership card and invoice to the branch (shown on the invoice) between Sep 2 and Sep 4, 2023 to process the refund of price discrepancy.
- 退回的折扣差價, 將於電子貨幣形式, 存入會員的電子會籍內, 於下次購物時使用。
The refund of price discrepancy will be deposited in the electronic membership in the form of electronic money and used in the next purchase.
- 特價週期間, 未能提供電話查詢及留貨服務, 敬請見諒。
No reservation of stock and telephone inquiry during the sales event.
- Cash coupon之購物不可退差價。
Purchase with Cash Coupon is not entitled to the refund.
- 組合式折扣及保養必需由同一會員購買, 不可分單, 退差價亦然, 並不可退回差價。
To enjoy combo discount, the payment must be made in one single invoice.
- 如折扣有疑問, 本公司保留最終決定權。
The Overlander reserves the right of final decision in case of any dispute.